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A Simple Guide To Add Donate Button On Website 

| Published on October 22, 2022

Nonprofit or non-governmental organizations often rely on donations to keep their organization afloat. This is because they contribute a significant part to the resources that are required to keep you up and running.

A Simple Guide To Add Donate Button On Website 

Image Courtesy: Shutterstock

Every individual who visits your nonprofit website is a potential donor. Therefore, it becomes your responsibility to transform your website so that it can make as many prospects as possible to donate. And one of the simplest ways to do it is by providing your donors with a quick and seamless option to donate online.

With this in mind, you should invest some time and thought in setting up a donation button. Of course, it will be the primary call-to-action button on your website. But how to add a donation button on the website that possesses the capacity to capture everyone’s attention right away? Well, this question has quite a straightforward answer.

That is to say, you can simply optimize your website and donation button according to what your potential donors would want to see. This will lead to an increase in online donations. In simpler words, your donate button on website should act like an invitation for the visitors to support your cause.

In this article, you will learn the intricacies of adding a donate button on website. So, without further ado, let’s read on!

Steps to Add a Donate Button on Website 

Since there are various payment gateway service providers in the market, learning the process of adding all these donation buttons in one go is impossible. Therefore, in this article, we will learn about the seamless steps of adding the Razorpay donate button on website.

First, let’s look at some of the prerequisites before creating a donate button:

  1. Login to the Razorpay Dashboard and find the payment button.
  2. Click on the “Create Payment Button”.
  3. When you reach the “Button Creation Wizard”, choose the “Donations” button type.
  4. Next, click on “Use this Template”.
  5. Further comes the stage of adding the relevant details to your donation button, such as:
  • Title: First things first, you need to give a name to your button. This name would be for your internal reference and appear on the Razorpay Dashboard. Knowing this name would not appear before your users is important.
  • Button Type:You can simply click on the drop-down list and select one button out of many types in case you want to change your button type. However, if you change the type of your button midway, all the information entered during the creation will not be saved.
  • Label: Now, this will be the text that will be displayed to your customers, or in this case, your potential donors. It is preferable only to enter alphanumeric characters, wherein the maximum character limit is 20. An example of this can be “Donate Now”.
  • Theme: You can choose among the following themes-
  1. Razorpay Light
  2. Razorpay Dark
  3. Razorpay Outline
  4. Brand Color
  1. Your donors are free to pay any amount of their choice, or they can also pay the amount that you suggest. For instance, you can ask for funds for a specific relief material fund or ask to pay any amount.
  2. Next comes the customer details section. In this, configure the information that you want your donor to enter while making the payment. Although their email and contact number must be entered by default, you can add more fields, such as their “Name” and “PAN”.
  3. Click ‘Save’ and proceed by clicking the “Next” button.
  4. In the next step, scan through all the information that you have entered, and in case you find any errors, you can simply navigate back to change it.
  5. Lastly, click on the “Create Button”. Moreover, once all these steps are done, a button code will appear on your screen. Copy this code and add it to your website.

Follow all these steps of adding a donate button on website, and you are good to go.

The success of a nonprofit organization is measured by the number of donations it secures in a given period. Therefore, an effective fundraising policy will result in more donations, and the more donations received will significantly impact society.

Thousands of Nonprofit organizations are collecting payments by adding the Razorpay donation button on their website. Now, it’s time for you to start accepting donations by integrating the donation button in less than 5 minutes. Go for the leading brand like Razorpay for utmost security and seamlessness.

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