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McDonald’s To Oreo, These Are The Best Tweets By Brands In 2021

| Published on December 15, 2021

The year 2021 has almost come to an end and all we can do is look back to the rollercoaster this year has been. While the year was all about the pandemic, vaccination, lockdowns, and unlocking, and so much more, brands took great interest in marketing their product in the most creative way possible.

For this, social media platforms came in handy the most. Since the whole world had shifted online from working to learning to entertaining, social media platforms were all the rage.

Twitter, for one, witnessed some of the most iconic tweets of all time. Recognizing the awesomeness of some of those tweets, Twitter’s marketing team has rolled out a list of tweets that garnered a lot of attention.

From groundbreaking launches to campaigns driving the cultural conversation, here are the standout brands that take the crown for connecting us to powerful moments like no one else could.

Most Tweeted about Brand

Best campaign with an electrifying launch

The best campaign that connected to a major moment

Most Popular Brand Tweet

Best brand presence

Most Tweeted brand hashtag

Best Campaign To Creatively Push The Envelope

The best campaign that said “Thank You” for all of us

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