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This Bengaluru Company Will Pay You Rs. 1 Lakh For Sleeping On Your Job

| Published on August 31, 2020

Unlike most jobs where sleeping or lazing around will definitely get you fired, this Bangalore based company will pay you instead! What is your job role? You need to sleep! That’s it. It is fairly simple and can be done by anyone who feels too tired all the time. Do you have it in you?

Wakefit, in Bangalore, is known for its comfy mattress, head pillows and more. On the job, you will be assisted by sleep experts, dieticians and nutritionists to improve your sleep and do your job well. Guess who is staying awake throughout the night? The salary is quite handsome and the interns will have perks on the house, with a slowly driven environment that will definitely uplift them, as well as the rest of the team members.

Wakefit.co study says marketeers struggle with sleep as they work from home  during lockdown

What is the Eligibility Criteria?

To be eligible as an intern, you need to match this criterion,

  • You can have a degree in any field! Yes, there is no special requirement.
  • By falling to sleep, you need to be fast asleep within 10- 20 minutes.
  • You should have a great idea about products that help you sleep better, in addition to most products sold by the company in general.
  • No matter the surrounding, you should be able to sleep in the loudest of noise.
  • Since this job requires a lot of analytical work, you should be able to analyse sleep patterns and stay focused and driven.
  • You will be preferred if you have a special taste for Chamomile, and not that great a social presence since your job will entail sleeping a lot. Like a LOT!

Wakefit has done this before as well! Last year, there were 1.7 lakhs people who registered for this internship and 23 of them got selected! Out of them, 2 were foreigners!

Are you up for taking this interesting job?

Source: News 18

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