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7 Movies Every Entrepreneur Must Watch Once

| Published on October 6, 2017

Movies are a great source of entertainment and motivation. If you are in need of some interesting ideas or you want to know how successful entrepreneurs achieved heights in their work, you must give these movies a try. These can really cheer you up for starting something meaningful in your work life.

Take a look at 7 movies an entrepreneur must watch.

1. Steve Jobs: One Last Thing

7 Movies Every Entrepreneur Must Watch Once

Steve Jobs is someone entrepreneurs look for as an idol. This is a documentary on the life of Steve Jobs released by PBS in 2011, a lot of interesting events have been shown which will make you understand how great this man was.

2. Beer Wars

7 Movies Every Entrepreneur Must Watch Once

This is a very interesting documentary about a group of friends who wanted to do something big and guess what they did? They started their own beer company. This movie has scenes which show the problems that come in marketing and selling a product.

3. The Social network

7 Movies Every Entrepreneur Must Watch Once

Another movie about a successful entrepreneur, well Mark Zuckerberg doesn’t need an introduction. This movie tells interesting stories like how a fight with the girlfriend made Mark write first code of Facebook. So, if you are a Facebook fan and want to know the story behind it, do watch it.

4. The pursuit of happyness

7 Movies Every Entrepreneur Must Watch Once

This movie is based on the true story of Chris Gardner. A must watch for people who are lacking motivation in their lives. This is one of the best acting performance of Will Smith till date. The passion and hunger of success have been beautifully explained in this movie.

5. Startup.com

7 Movies Every Entrepreneur Must Watch Once

Released in 2001, this movie shows the ups and downs of a startup called GoveWorks.com. The story shows the value of the team in a startup and also tells how a silly mistake can make you pay big in business.

6. Rocky

7 Movies Every Entrepreneur Must Watch Once

This is a movie about a very interesting tale that shows the value of keeping the fighting spirit in life. Sylvester Stallone is the writer and main actor of this movie which shows the struggle of becoming a boxing heavyweight champion.

7. Pirates of silicon valley

7 Movies Every Entrepreneur Must Watch Once

This movie covers the success stories of two of the biggest brands in the modern world Bill Gates’s Microsoft and Steve Jobs’s Apple. Both have been shown as great pirates. This also shows the fights these both had during their way to success. If you really want to know how these guys were in early days of their businesses you should watch this movie.

These are the 7 movies every wannabe entrepreneur must watch. If you know more such movies do share them with us in comments.

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