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Girl Arrives A Month Early For Interview By Accident, Microsoft Had The Perfect Reply

| Published on January 29, 2019

Interviews are always hectic and pressure loaded but can you imagine how goofed up it would be to arrive a month early for the interview? Laughing out loud, right? Here’s a more hilarious reality to it. Let’s read out together!

Laura Maclean has left us rolling on the floor with a tweet about her early arrival for a Microsoft interview this year. The 21-year old Scottish girl had been prepping to get through her interview quite appropriately but little did she know, she had mistaken the interview date awfully that was scheduled for February 18. This eagerness to get interviewed by Microsoft was quite hilariously tweeted by her and Twitter has made it a massive hit with more than 1 lakh likes on it.

Here’s the funny tweet that has had everyone laughing:

Microsoft had scheduled to connect with her for an interview over a Skype call but when she assumed that they had been delaying, she decided to take a step forward and reach out to them independently.
On realizing the whole incident, Laura could not keep it to herself and thus shared the screenshot of the conversations on Twitter with her audience:

This post got so viral that even Microsoft could not control but laugh at the incident and respond to the hideous tweet by saying that they could not wait to laugh at the incident with her together on the interview day:

Twitter has been interestingly stalking her for long now and who knew this hilarious tweet would bring her so much fame?

Whatever it might be, we hope that February 18, brings her good results for all the preparation she has been doing from a month ago and also, we dearly hope that this incident does not repeat on her again.


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