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HDFC Life & LS Digital Team Up To Roll Out ‘The Missing Beat’ Campaign To Raise Awareness On CPR

An integrated Digital Business Transformation (DBT) company- LS Digital and HDFC Life have unveiled ‘The Missing Beat’ campaign, that is aimed at raising awareness about the life-saving power of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR).

| Published on September 30, 2024

HDFC Life & LS Digital Team Up To Roll Out ‘The Missing Beat’ Campaign To Raise Awareness On CPR

LS Digital, an integrated Digital Business Transformation (DBT) company, and HDFC Life have launched ‘The Missing Beat’, an initiative aimed at raising awareness about the life-saving power of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

As the creative partner, LS Digital conceptualised and developed the entire narrative of the campaign, emphasising the urgency of learning CPR to make India a CPR-ready nation. The launch of this campaign aligns with World Heart Day, underscoring the importance of heart health and emergency preparedness.

Cardiac arrests are a leading cause of death in India, claiming over 5 lakh lives each year. Despite the staggering statistics, less than 2% of the population is aware of CPR, a crucial skill that can make the difference between life and death in emergency situations. Recognising this gap, HDFC Life launched ‘The Missing Beat’ in conjunction with World Heart Day to create a broader conversation around CPR readiness.

At the heart of this campaign is a heartfelt short film that traces the emotional journeys of four individuals, portraying how CPR can be a critical intervention in moments of crisis. The film underscores the need for immediate action during cardiac emergencies. Through this initiative, HDFC Life and LS Digital aim to inspire every Indian to take the first step toward becoming CPR-ready. 

The campaign’s narrative, message, and visual storytelling were conceptualised by LS Digital’s creative team, who delved deep into the subject of cardiac arrests and CPR to ensure an authentic portrayal. Its involvement highlights its commitment to creating purposeful campaigns that go beyond conventional advertising.

As per the company, with its storytelling and HDFC Life’s commitment to public welfare, ‘The Missing Beat’ goes beyond traditional awareness campaigns. The film serves as a wake-up call to every individual, urging them to learn CPR and be ready to save lives when it matters most. 

The film was produced by Boathouse Media and Directed by Devik Rathod.

Click here to watch the campaign-

Commenting on the launch, Vishal Subharwal, Chief Marketing Officer and Group Head Strategy, HDFC Life, said, “At HDFC Life, we believe that dignity and pride come not only from financial independence but also from the ability to help others in critical moments. This campaign is not just about raising awareness—it is about inspiring action. We want to encourage every Indian citizen to take the first step toward becoming CPR-ready. With the right knowledge and preparation, we can save lives and truly live the spirit of ‘Sar Utha Ke Jiyo’.”

Speaking about the campaign, Manesh Swamy, Managing Director and Chief Creative Officer, LS Creative at LS Digital, said, “This was a rare opportunity for advertisers and creatives to come together and make a real impact on people’s lives. With ‘The Missing Beat,’ we wanted to create a movement, a larger call to action, reminding everyone that knowing CPR can be the difference between life and death. We have been hearing horror stories about sudden cardiac arrests in the news, on the internet, and even among friends and family. The team has been researching this campaign for over a year, gathering data and stories that drove home the urgency of spreading awareness. Our goal was to inspire action, not just viewership.”

“The journey of bringing this communication piece to life was deeply personal for our team. The data and statistics we have collected are nerve-wracking, and we felt something needed to be done urgently. We wanted the audience to not just watch but to feel the urgency and importance of CPR. Every shot and story was crafted from real-life incidents to evoke an emotional connection, immersing the audience in the gravity of the situation. We hope to inspire people to recognise the importance of this simple, life-saving skill and take a step towards making the country CPR-ready. We’re not just sharing stories- we’re encouraging action over helplessness,” he added. 

To this, Dipshika Ravi, VP Creative and ECD, LS Creative, LS Digital, said, “The Missing Beat’ is not just a campaign designed to touch hearts; it’s about teaching people how to save a life when the heart stops beating. It took months of conversations with CPR survivors, medical experts, and professionals to fully understand the process and convey it effectively. For us, this campaign’s success will not be measured by views or reach, but by the lives it can potentially save. If we manage to save even two lives by equipping people with this crucial skill, that’s the real win. Performing CPR doesn’t require certification, so through this initiative, we urge everyone to learn CPR, this life-saving technique and help push the current awareness rate beyond 2%.” 

Further Nishant Patil, AVP2 and ECD Design, LS Creative, LS Digital, said, “The four protagonists in this story reflect real-life situations we see around us, highlighting a hard-hitting truth: survival after cardiac arrest is rare, but CPR given at the right time can make all the difference and you will see that in coming alive in the visualisation of the film. Many of us have lost loved ones to sudden cardiac arrest and felt helpless to help. ‘The Missing Beat’ aims to change that by teaching people how to perform CPR in those critical moments, through compelling storytelling. As the brand says, we can’t fill the void left by loss, but we can certainly empower those around us. This is the first phase of the campaign, and we plan to amplify the message on multi-platforms.”

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