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7 Startup Mistakes Every Entrepreneur Should Avoid

| Published on May 17, 2020

Are you a business owner with decades of experiencing or just starting your new venture? Business is a tricky game that only a few can excel at. No matter what your entrepreneurial streak is, there are certain things you need to avoid doing in order to bring in success.

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Failure Is Part and Parcel. Do Not Fear it

Failure goes hand in hand with every bright idea. There is ample trial and error that goes alongside starting a new business. Don’t be afraid of failing. Instead, learn from your mistakes and try to establish your venture right from scratch.

Organisation is Key

You need to follow a thorough procedure in order to make your startup work. Have your plans sorted and goals in mind. Pick up the old pen and paper and jot down your list of priorities in order to stick to the plan. Maintain an organised format for all you want to accomplish.

Avoid Micromanaging

There might be a number of goals you want to accomplish but the right way to do it is go step by step. You don’t want to focus on everything at once. Instead, work on your strengths and try to manage your weaknesses and turn them into your strengths as well.

Hire According To The Need

If a particular task entails a newcomer joining only as a part-time worker, do not hire for a full-time position. Delegate roles and responsibilities according to the magnitude of the task. A number of startups make the mistake of hiring too soon, too many and end up laying them off at a certain point of time.

The Goal Isn’t Always To Raise Money

While raising money is the ultimate goal for success, customer satisfaction and reading the market follow suit. If your customers are not happy with the products you sell or the services you provide, all the money you raise will not be of any use. Negative reviews can have a detrimental impact on any company.

Don’t Pay Yourself Too Little Or Too Much

As you figure out how much to pay your employees, decide a deserving commission for yourself as well. Don’t make it too little or too much. Keep reflecting on how much you can take away from the monthly sales and create a healthy expectation for management.

Don’t Keep A Slow Pace

While it is okay to start slow and steady, going too slow with your decisions also imposes a downside to things. Sometimes decisions need to made on the spot and real quick. Think about the deciding factor and make a decision that would be beneficial for the company over yourself or anyone for that matter.


Source: Business News Daily

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