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7 Brilliant Strategies By GUCCI That Make You Buy Its Highly Expensive Products

| Published on October 29, 2022

GUCCI is a very popular brand among its high end customers. Although it’s mainly famous for it’s designer bags; shoes, ready-to-wear apparel, watches, and jewelry are the other main product categories of Gucci. But it’s uniquely designed products aren’t the only reason that the luxury brand is famous for. The brand sells its products on extremely high prices around the world and the interesting thing here is, it sells.

7 Brilliant Strategies By GUCCI That Make You Buy Its Highly Expensive Products

So what do you think is the reason behind the brand being so overly expensive and yet being so popular? What tactics does GUCCI use to convince it’s buyers that a bag is worth $10,000 or even more? There are definitely some psychological tricks that the brand is well aware of and uses it exactly how it needs to on it’s prospective buyers. Using a GUCCI has become a symbol of class and status today. Someone seen carrying a GUCCI bag or wearing a GUCCI cape in a party or otherwise is considered to be someone blessed with financial abundance.

Let’s look at 7 tricks that GUCCI uses to make you buy it’s uber expensive products:

1. Understanding your Psychology:

7 Brilliant Strategies By GUCCI That Make You Buy Its Highly Expensive Products

They know you. Yes, you heard that right. GUCCI invests in psychographic segmentation. They have a detailed and well researched information about its target audience and know what their desires, lifestyles, interests and activities are. For the unversed, Psychographic Segmentation is a technique in which the primary focus is on the psychology behind why certain groups of customers buy, how they buy and what can make them buy more? GUCCI customers are generally people with high class or status, financial abundance and a strong desire to have a very rich and classy image in public. Even some of those belonging to the middle class would prefer to cut down on other expenses and buy a GUCCI bag so that they stand out in crowd and can brag a classy image among their friends. All this is very well known by the brand’s PR team and based on this information they do their marketing.

2. They know your trigger points:

7 Brilliant Strategies By GUCCI That Make You Buy Its Highly Expensive Products

They know that a majority of your buying decisions are not based on logic or even free will. They are triggered by certain words, images, colors, music, and actions that attract you and can make you immediately want to buy a certain product without giving it a proper thought and taking a rational decision. The brand perfectly uses these psychological triggers that make you buy these products and also make you think that they are worth the money you are going to spend.

3. The Not So Ordinary Logo:

7 Brilliant Strategies By GUCCI That Make You Buy Its Highly Expensive Products

Agree to it or not, a brand’s logo plays a very important part in creating its buzz among it’s target audience. The GUCCI logo is huge and mostly all over the product. One who knows the brand and has an eye for it’s products can easily tell whether the product is a real GUCCI or not. The Italian brand’s logo is big, catchy and classy and hence is enough to claim that one is wearing a GUCCI product.

4. Perceived Value:

7 Brilliant Strategies By GUCCI That Make You Buy Its Highly Expensive Products

GUCCI sells the idea that fine Italian leather and superior craftsmanship is worth the high prices of its products. GUCCI also gives its customers some exclusive services which are also provided by its competitors but the buzz that GUCCI creates is obviously much louder. The Italian luxurious brand creates a perceived value and justifies it’s high priced products. Another very important factor that plays its role here is that when a product is priced higher than ordinary, it automatically creates an image of it being better in quality than its counterparts. Here again an automatic perceived value is created which makes people willing to pay that extra money.

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5. Confirmation Bias:

7 Brilliant Strategies By GUCCI That Make You Buy Its Highly Expensive Products
People always want to be right, specially when it comes to their buying decisions. While buying something, someone may not think as rationally as they should but they definitely give their biases a lot more weightage than they actually deserve. The biggest bias that a person undergoes while buying something is Confirmation Bias. Who wants to hear that they made a wrong decision by buying something? After all, money has already been spent. In a case where someone buys something like GUCCI, they know nobody will question their decision.

6. Being Exclusive and Inclusive at the same time:

GUCCI has very smartly posed itself as an inclusive as well as an exclusive brand. The brand has a unique style and premium pricing which keeps it open to only a percentage of people who can actually afford it. It also has been promoting itself as an inclusive brand by being equally appealing to everyone irrespective of the gender. It also focuses on being sustainable to appeal to the environment friendly consumers.

7. Influence by the Influencers:

We've Spotted These Celebrities and Influencers At The Gucci Spring/Summer 2020

GUCCI has created a strong market among the higher societies and has associated itself with the rich and the famous. You can see celebs sporting a GUCCI product very commonly and that is what plays a big part in influencing a majority of groups to buy a GUCCI product. The high pricing convinces people that its not for everyone and buying it could make someone stand out in crowd. Also, using the same brand as their favorite celeb gives a kind of satisfaction that makes people want to spend a higher amount of money.

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