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7 Brands That Seriously Need To Hire Editors & Proofreaders

| Published on November 2, 2017

If you are trying to market your brand, certain things should be kept in mind. A single grammatical mistake can make a big difference about your message to consumers. We have compiled a list of mistakes made by brands in their marketing campaigns.

1. Mitt Romney app

7 Brands That Seriously Need To Hire Editors & Proofreaders

Mitt Romney app did a very embarrassing mistake one of the slogans in the app had a howler of a spelling mistake: “A Better Amercia.”

2. Nike

7 Brands That Seriously Need To Hire Editors & Proofreaders

Nike’s social media handler did a very common grammar mistake of using “then” and “than”. This mistake was very popular on Twitter.

3. H&M

7 Brands That Seriously Need To Hire Editors & Proofreaders

H&M also did a blunder of a mistake by misspelling the word genius with “genious”

4. Miller

7 Brands That Seriously Need To Hire Editors & Proofreaders

Whoever created this billboard may be unaware of the fact that a spelling mistake can cause a big effect on the reputation of the brand.

5. KFC

7 Brands That Seriously Need To Hire Editors & Proofreaders

We don’t expect spelling mistakes from a popular brand like KFC. But, unfortunately, they did it by misspelling through as “thru” in one of their billboards.

6. McDonald’s

7 Brands That Seriously Need To Hire Editors & Proofreaders

Well, this is the worst among all. This spelling mistake from McDonald’s completely changed the message they wanted to show in their ad.

7. Reebok

7 Brands That Seriously Need To Hire Editors & Proofreaders

This silly mistake from Reebok again proves the importance of proofreaders. Reebok misspelled the easy word ‘everything’ as “eveything” in one of their campaign in New York.

Yes, we all make mistakes but committing them when you have so many consumers and followers is another thing. You should be very careful about your reputation as a brand which can be spoiled by silly mistakes that can be avoided in marketing.

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