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7 Ads From 1918 Spanish Flu That Resemble 2020 Pandemic

| Published on August 24, 2020

The coronavirus pandemic has been quite draining, so far, on the world. Businesses are shutting, and people are losing lives. There is a lot of chaos ever since it was introduced, and thankfully the world is somehow sailing through, waiting for better days to come. Surprisingly enough, we recall the Spanish Flue of 1918 that is somewhat similar to the current situation that we are facing today. Both had similar issues to deal with, with the same kind of awareness and cause for concern. Don’t believe us? Let us look at the advertisements from that era to compare the similarities of our situation this year.

Similar Means of Spreading The Virus

7 Ads From 1918 Spanish Flu That Resemble 2020 Pandemic

Coronavirus is also concerned with respiratory issues, among others. The safety measures are quite similar and it seems like a century later the world was destined to face this pandemic.

DO NOT Forget Your Mask. No Mask, No Service. Where Have You Heard That Again?

7 Ads From 1918 Spanish Flu That Resemble 2020 Pandemic

It is mandatory for everyone to step out with a mask today to prevent the virus from spreading from one person to another. Sadly, the means of spreading also include non-living objects like surfaces or exchange of cash. The Spanish Flu was quite similar back in the day, forcing people to wear a mask.

You CANNOT Spit Anywhere You Like

7 Ads From 1918 Spanish Flu That Resemble 2020 Pandemic

The Government has fined people who are found spitting in public places. It is a major offence for which you could also be put behind bars.

Don’t Be A Hoarder

7 Ads From 1918 Spanish Flu That Resemble 2020 Pandemic

There is a major shortage of supplies. Buying them in bulk does not solve your issues as you are preventing others from attaining basic safety requirements.

Isolate From The Crowd

7 Ads From 1918 Spanish Flu That Resemble 2020 Pandemic

During the Spanish Flu, people were asked to quarantine at home and stay away from crowds. Those who had mild symptoms were asked to isolate. Aren’t we following similar protocols today?

Better Safe Than Sorry!

7 Ads From 1918 Spanish Flu That Resemble 2020 Pandemic

This advertisement for the Flu back in the day is quite apt for the current pandemic as well. You absolutely don’t want to get it. It is better to take all measures to prevent being in the situation in the first place.

Major Branding

7 Ads From 1918 Spanish Flu That Resemble 2020 Pandemic

You need to stick to organic food and drinks. This ad for Horlicks describes the use of no preservatives, hence supporting a healthy lifestyle to fight the flu. What homemade and trusted brands are you utilising today?

Source: ScoopWhoop

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