Long before the trend for dating apps started, the world had matrimonial sections in the newspapers that came every Sunday. While many may not be using these columns anymore, some still refer to them to find their life partner.
However, today’s generation is more into a ‘quick fix’. They do not have the patience to give their time and effort into courting someone and taking things slow. The dating apps today might have helped a few to find their true love but in a broader prospect have made dating monotonous and less exciting.
Not just the youth, many elderlies have also tried their hand at dating apps. And it is safe to say, it has not been very exciting for them.
After many failed dates, a 66-year-old from Texas, United States, decided to take things into his own hands. Bays Donning decided to put up billboards on his premises asking for “A good woman”.
On the billboard, Donning can be seen wearing a cowboy hat, and the text on the billboard reads, “Wanted: A Good Woman. 50-55ish. For talks and walks and mutual acts of kindness.” He was sure to put his contact number up too.
People around his area have been talking about Donnings ever since he put up these billboards.
Bays has expressed how disappointed he has been with the datings apps. He believes that these apps fail to represent the authenticity of people’s personalities.
He had been on multiple dates before and was not able to click with anyone of them. His busy work schedule also made it difficult for him to keep up with his dating life.
In his interview with Daily Mail, Bays also shared that he has been married twice earlier which has helped him understand his desires in his partner. He has learned a lot from his mistakes and experience and is ready to jump into dating life once again.