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6 Ways Using Which Companies Turn Their Employees Into Brand Ambassadors

| Published on January 11, 2019

Want to keep your employees engaged and market your product in the outside world? Teach them how to make more money from a “side hustle”, something which is attracting today’s millennials.

Give a man a fish, and you feed him a day. Teach a man how to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.” said by Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie makes one realize the process for long-term policy to ensure employees genuinely promoting your company.

6 Ways Using Which Companies Turn Their Employees Into Brand Ambassadors

Time to make your employees the brand ambassadors of your company and use the following steps to make this possible:

1. Prioritize the employees

Put the employees first, because only if your employees are happy and involved can they promote the brand. Needless to mention it doesn’t matter if you manufacture a product, provide services or run an online portal – All your employees *must* use your product/service. Like, imagine how would it be like to see a Dominoes employee eating Pizza at Pizza Hut?

2. Magnificent Office

6 Ways Using Which Companies Turn Their Employees Into Brand Ambassadors

Do you expect your employees to work in a dull and gloomy office? Make sure the office you make them work is cheerful and vibrant with different colours making the employees rave about them. And provides the best facilities needed.

3. Open Communication

Be it the best or the worst news for the development of the company, the employees should be informed first before media. You want your employees to act as responsible PR representatives so they ought to know everything important about the company.

4. Company Dress-Code

6 Ways Using Which Companies Turn Their Employees Into Brand Ambassadors

Having company T-Shirts and Jerseys makes working in the company more fun. Good companies have their own warm T-Shirts prepared for their employees and it serves as a great promotional material. Also, it makes one feel valuable and at par with everybody else.

5. Company merchandise

Your employees use a few things on an everyday basis, for instance, a laptop bag. Why not turn these into company gifted merchandise during promotions or goal achievements?

6 Ways Using Which Companies Turn Their Employees Into Brand Ambassadors

6. Feedback

The most important way to understand and support your employees is to get their feedback and listen to their grievances. Work on those points and only then can you expect your employees to be truly dedicated in their work.

Well, ‘Understand, Connect and Implement’ is all that you need to follow. Don’t forget, the easiest and most viable option is the Employee Brand embassador programme!

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