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5 Types Of Startups & Professions That Can Make Profit From The Rupee Fall

| Published on August 17, 2018

Every problem or difficulty comes with a number of opportunities. It is our vision which makes any situation profit or loss-making. The main difference between successful people and the ordinary ones is this vision. We all know that the price of the rupee is falling continuously and most people are seeing this as an economic crisis, but there are few businesses and professionals that can make huge profits from this decline and we have tried some of these in this article.

1. Online media companies and bloggers

5 Types Of Startups & Professions That Can Make Profit From The Rupee Fall

Indian online media companies and bloggers can benefit a lot from a weaker rupee. Revenue from ad platforms like AdSense is earned in US dollars, and a stronger dollar will mean more incomes for Indian websites and blogs with the same income in Adsense. This will be more beneficial for companies with very high traffic coming from countries like Europe and US as these countries have a very high rate of paying and companies in these countries spend high on digital ads comparing with India.

2. IT companies

5 Types Of Startups & Professions That Can Make Profit From The Rupee Fall

Similar to bloggers and online media houses, IT companies earn most of their revenues in dollars. The profit will not only be earned by IT giants like TCS and Wipro but small startups can also benefit. The companies which have international clients can gain according to their strategies.

3. Automobile

5 Types Of Startups & Professions That Can Make Profit From The Rupee Fall

Rupee fall has increased the cost of imported items on which Automobile industry depends a lot. The major impact of the rupee fall will be felt by companies that have raised money through Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCBs)

4. Freelancers

5 Types Of Startups & Professions That Can Make Profit From The Rupee Fall

Freelancing is booming in India right now, a big number of people are leaving their secured jobs after learning some skills and are working for clients as a freelancer. The main reason for this is the income from jobs in companies is given according to the Indian industry which pays far more less than developed nations. If someone can directly make contacts will the foreign clients, he/she can earn well.

5. Pharmaceutical sector

5 Types Of Startups & Professions That Can Make Profit From The Rupee Fall

Pharmaceutical exports account for 50% sales of most big pharmaceutical companies. The rupee fall may not yield immediate gains. Big gains are likely to flow from the long-term investments if the rupee remains at the current level.

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