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5 Reasons Instagram is the New Blog

| Published on September 9, 2018

Yes, we know there is a difference between a blog and an Instagram profile, but the way bloggers are using the platform, it has soon taken over the need to have a blog at all. While blogging still has its contemporary charm of reading articles in detail, for today’s fast-paced generation, blogging is becoming tiresome for some. Let us understand, top 5 reasons why Instagram is better than blogging

5 Reasons Instagram is the New Blog

Visual Delight

The main feature of Instagram is posting pictures, while blogging also allows posting of pictures, but when one has to go through so much of text in between pictures, one might lose interest scrolling down the whole page to check them out. On Instagram, picture sharing is easy, and just with a simple swipe; one can post and view up to 10 images in one go.

5 Reasons Instagram is the New Blog

Instant Posting, Instant Result

More often than not, the results of people appreciating or liking your post on Instagram are pretty quick and instant. Unlike blogging, which takes time to garner traffic, with appropriate use of hashtags, Instagram rewards you almost immediately.

5 Reasons Instagram is the New Blog


Along with pictures, short descriptors or reviews are often posted by bloggers, making it easy for the audience to understand the reason behind posting a picture. Fashion bloggers create lookbooks often tagging the brands they are wearing, food bloggers put up small reviews about the food along with pictures. Travel bloggers also explain about a place in a gist and link it to their detailed blog post. This method makes it easy for someone to evaluate whether they want to read the full detail or are they satisfied enough with a short review itself.

5 Reasons Instagram is the New Blog

Follower Bank

People are more likely to follow an Instagram profile than subscribing to a blog. It takes an effort to read through the full blog and as a tendency people do not subscribe easily. While following interesting and visually appealing Instagram profiles are always welcomed.


Instagram also allows you to post videos up to 1-minute length directly in your feed and now with IGTV, videos up to 1 hour can be posted. Those following your photo journey always enjoy a few videos about your various experiences without having to especially look for them on your blog or youtube channel. Short videos help people get a fair idea of your overall experience and don’t bore them. If they are keen and you have more to showcase, sharing links to your YouTube is always an option.

So what do you prefer more, reading a blog or checking out Instagram?

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