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5 Marketing Lessons To Learn From Street Vendors

| Published on October 31, 2019

Having a master’s degree from the best B schools in the country may never assure you a definite success. This is what we have learned from our street vendors. With minimal education, they have the best market sense and they understand their customers more than any big company can ever can.

No matter what the economic conditions of the country are, street vendors never take a day off. They manage to survive with minimal support and facilities. This makes us wonder, what all is there that we can learn from these vendors.

We have summarised 5 lessons that we can incorporate in our professional life that will only help us to improve our sales and marker approach.

Image result for street vendors sarojini market

1. Be Approachable.

Street vendors do not wait until people enter their little shop. They approach potential customers from a reasonable distance. This, you might have seen for yourself. When visiting a market place we see at least one person standing outside his shop and is trying to persuade customers to come and buy stuff. And if you have ever been to Delhi‘s famous Chandani Chowk Market Or Palika Bazaar for that matter you’ll know what we are talking about.

The lesson that we can learn from this is that never shy away to approach your customers. The way you approach is again equally important.

2. Connect With Your Customers

Only selling your product or service should not be enough. Focus on creating repetitive clients. These street vendors are aware of this. They know how to talk their way into convincing the customer to come again to there shop again. That is the proper sales technique.

3. Understand the market & change accordingly.

Street vendors know how to adapt to the change. Some food stall vendors whose business is to sell hot Chhole Kulche Or Vada Pav would serve a chilled glass of fresh lime soda or lassi to accompany the meal. That is how they survive no matter how the market changes, by adapting it.

4. All Caught Up With The Trends

Have you ever visited the Sarojini market in Delhi or Fashion street in Mumbai? Well if you haven’t then you must. These markets are all about street shopping but the clothes and the latest fashion you find here is truly amazing. There is no style you won’t find here that you might have seen in one of the famous brands in an expensive mall.

These vendors do not let anything pool them down. With people who want everything best but at a cheaper rate, these vendors know they have to keep up with the latest trends.

5. Never Give Up.

Street vendors work tirelessly. Some might even argue that they work more than a person sitting at a high position in some big brand. Even when the competition is growing in the market these vendors do not give in. They fight back and work harder every day. Something to definitely learn from the street vendors.

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