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4 Marketing Strategies To Make Your Startup Go Viral Without Spending Much

| Published on November 5, 2017

Marketing is very important for any business. Big companies spend a lot of money on marketing but if you are a small business owner or a new startup entrepreneur chances are you don’t have much to spend on marketing. In order to solve this problem, we are providing you 4 strategies that can help you a lot if you don’t have a big marketing budget.

1. Use Feelings vs information

4 Marketing Strategies To Make Your Startup Go Viral Without Spending Much

Don’t just focus on your product in marketing but try to make a connection with your target audience. It has been rightly said that “No one is interested in what you are selling but they are interested in how you make them feel.”

2. Attention Grabbing potential

4 Marketing Strategies To Make Your Startup Go Viral Without Spending Much

With so many competitors around there should be something in both your product and marketing that can grab the attention of the customers. Try to make a product that has a unique quality or design or present it in such a way that your business idea looks something notable.

3. Show some statistical proof

4 Marketing Strategies To Make Your Startup Go Viral Without Spending Much

You must have seen brands showing survey results in their ads well this is a very good tactic that creates a good image of your product in the minds of intelligent customers who need a proof about the quality of your product.

4. Create an urgency to buy your product

4 Marketing Strategies To Make Your Startup Go Viral Without Spending Much

This is a modern technique used by brands in which create a sense of urgency in customer’s mind to buy their product. A common example of such marketing method is showing the diseases one can have if he/she ignores the use of soap in daily life.

Hope these articles help you to create innovative and effective marketing campaigns the promotion of your product to increase the sales.

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