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4 Businesses That You Can Start With Minimal Capital Investment In India

| Published on September 20, 2019

Facing problems arranging for the necessary capital for your business venture? Well, this is the most loathsome problem faced by entrepreneurs today. In fact, a majority of them ditch their dream of establishing a successful venture and give in to their adverse situations ignoring the fact that a well-thought business would turn the unfavorable conditions to their advantage.

What is a business idea?

A profitable and viable business idea is a crucial requirement for the process of organization building. It forms the base of your establishment. It helps you convince lenders that your business is worth being considered as an investment. Moreover, it helps you focus on all the factors that will transform your business into a money minting machine!

4 Businesses That You Can Start With Minimal Capital Investment In India

The world’s greatest businesspersons, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs are striking examples that an innovative idea is essential for an insanely successful business. Here are some ideas that are worth considering with minimum capital investment:

1. Food Joints

You must have observed small and extensive food joints that have mushroomed all over your city in the past decade brimming with hungry customers always! This is because food is a realm which will always do well in the recent era of fierce competition.

4 Businesses That You Can Start With Minimal Capital Investment In India

For setting up your own food joint, you will need money to lease a space for it after obtaining the necessary legal permissions from the concerned authorities. After paying the rent, you can commit the rest of your funds to the remaining basic needs such as tables, chair, and other machines.

2. Blogging

4 Businesses That You Can Start With Minimal Capital Investment In India

This field has come forward as one of the most inventive spheres in the recent age of social connectivity. This field requires minimal start-up capital. You just need to spend on getting a domain name and a hosting space which can usually be procured within Rs 5000. To popularize and promote your business, all you need is the extensive coverage of the World Wide Web!

3. Travel Agencies

4 Businesses That You Can Start With Minimal Capital Investment In India

The travel industry has witnessed a massive growth in the past decade. This industry is dependent on the individual’s desire to explore the world. The most economical method of setting up a travel agency is tying up with other host organizations which enable you to increase your profits by minimizing the expenses. Though the rates vary as per the host organizations, the cost is mainly less than Rs. 10,000.

4. Online Bakeries

While manual bakeries required years of tiring hard work, investment and the right alignment to achieve what they have till date, online bakeries fill in the gap with easy access.

4 Businesses That You Can Start With Minimal Capital Investment In India

Each of the aforementioned business ideas has its own pros and cons. You may consult a business consultant to get a fair idea of the risks involved in your field. But, remember, that it all depends on how you can make a difference!

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