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21 Marketing Terms Everyone Should Know

| Published on September 12, 2018

If you want to make a career in marketing and sales or even if you are looking to increase your corporate vocab, we have collected 21 most commonly used words in marketing that everyone should have an idea about.

21 Marketing Terms Everyone Should Know

1. Buyer Persona: It is a summary of an ideal buyer based on market research, data and hypothesis. This helps marketers define their ideal audience.

2. Brand: Brand signifies awareness of a specific product, service or business by separating it from others.

3. Business-to-Business(B2B): A business that markets and sells to other businesses.

4. Business-to-Consumer(B2C): A business that markets and sells to consumers.

5. Cold Calling: When salespeople approach clients without having any interaction with them before. This mainly involves phone or telemarketing and door-to-door marketing.

6. Cross-selling: Cross-selling is the action or practice of selling an additional product or service to an existing customer.

7. Click Through Rate (CTR): Click-through rate is the ratio of users who click on your specified link to the number of total users who view an article, email, or advertisement.

21 Marketing Terms Everyone Should Know

8. Content Marketing: In Content marketing, the purpose is to attract customers by creating and sharing valuable free content. This approach helps companies create sustainable brand loyalty and creates a willingness to purchase products from the company in the future.

9. Comparative Advertising: Comparative advertising involves strategies in which a brand purposely mentions a competitor by name to show why the competitor is inferior to the product naming it.

10. Corporate Identity: The combination of color schemes, designs, symbols, words that a brand uses to make a visual statement about itself with the customers and target audience.

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11. Cost Per lead: The total marketing cost to acquire a lead. It is an important point to keep a company profitable.

12. Demographics: Target audience is based on multiple factors such as age, gender, income, family life, social class, etc. All these points are called demographics.

13. Engagement Rate: A measurement of likes, shares, comments or other interaction which a content receives.

14. Lead: Anyone who shows interest in one of your products or services is called lead.

15. Marketing: It is the process of identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer needs in a profitable way.

16. Public Relations: Public relations is the process of managing the spread of information between a brand and the public.


17. Qualified Lead: Someone who has expressed interest in buying your product and passes a set of lead qualifications in order to progress further down the funnel.

18. Return On Investment (ROI): Measuring the profitability of the investment you make in marketing, sales, is called ROI.

19. S.W.O.T. Analysis: Analysis brands do to identify their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

21 Marketing Terms Everyone Should Know

20. Unique Selling Proposition (USP): USP, also called as unique selling point is something that differentiates a brand from its competitors. It can be anything like lowest cost, the highest quality or the first-ever product of its kind.

21. Workflow: A series of automated actions that brands use to trigger target audience based on their behaviors or contact information.

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