Different colors have different meanings. There is always some psychology behind using certain colors in the logo of a brand. The yellow color is most used by companies to be a part of their logo.
Yellow represents a sense of clarity and attracts customers in a higher realm. It is a very vibrant and bright color that tempts clients’ eyes and makes a strong impact on one’s mind, too.
It’s just that yellow always need another color to back it up! Here are 10 successful brands that use yellow color in their logo.
1. Maggi
We all are well-aware of this 2-minute-instant noodle recipe. The brand’s origins are in Switzerland and it gained immense popularity in India!
2. McDonald’s
McDonald’s is a highly popular international restaurant chain that serves us with delicious food! It is avalable in 100 countries and has around 69 million customers on a daily basis.
3. Lay’s
Lay’s are ever-loved by all of us! The favorite time-pass snack and a partner in most of the movies with our friends. It’s famous all over the world because of its taste and attractive packaging.
4. Snapchat
95% of the Snapchat’s logo is just yellow color! It’s a social media app that lets people express their present moments with others.
5. Idea
India’s one of the leading telecommunication company that has its headquarters in Mumbai provides the best services to the customers.
6. Flipkart
Flipkart’s logo is yellow, too! The brand is known for its online shopping set-up and delivery services. It is one of the fastest-growing e-commerce in the market.
7. Subway
The brand that serves not only tasty but very healthy food to its customers and ensures that people don’t have to suffer and compromise with their taste when they’re on diet!
8. Bewakoof
The company sells the best quality clothes with the lowest prices and is growing rapidly in the industry!
9. Amity University
A private university that is situated in Delhi that gained popularity rapidly. It has been proved to be one of the best universities in India.
10. Doritos
Tortilla chips that we all crave and never get tired of! They were produced in 1964 and is an American Brand.